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Team Building

Management Development Programmes & Skill Development Workshops


Concerned with motivating groups to perform more effectively, organizations have been stressing the team concept in recent years. 

In  the process of  building a  cricket team , beside skills,  social relations drastically enhance the   roles play of team  players, ultimately making a  difficult  task easy by  adopting  collaborative approach. Training is another matter.

The question is what role do managers play in these times of transition and change?

The answer is that managers can be the key that unlocks the resources in a work group if they succeed in transforming a group of workers into a team. It describes strategies for team building and discusses the Manager’s role in working with teams.

A team setting opens up new communication lines. Because of the necessity of communication within a team, members encounter problems and challenges in early stages and are able to head them off with greater efficiency and success.

Regardingparticipation and commitment, all members of the team must be involved in team activities and dedicated to team goals.

So that all members focus on team goals, teams need a clearly recognizable purpose and direction. All must be willing to accept the goals and assignments, even if they disagree. They must be willing to give their best effort to the task at hand and to meet deadlines.Developing each individual in the group into an effective and participating member of the team is the most important challenge a manager faces. The following strategies should help you and your work group form patterns of interaction that lead to a cooperative team

What you will get?

Pre-recorded chapter vise videos - Yes (approx 3-4 hours)

Language:  HINDI & ENGLISH

Book:  Yes (Ebooks in pdf format in English)

Certification: Certification from NIFM

Faculty: Capt. Harish Gulati

MRP:- 5000 Rs

Offer Price:- 1500 Rs

Duration:- 6 Month

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About Course

The objective of this Program is to understand the team concept, learn techniques for building or developing a better team and sharpen team’s goal/objective setting, motivation and understand team members and team dynamics