Usually, all the finance education institutions offer courses on financial markets and its segments. The modules are set up in a way that it covers the securities and shares but Online NIFM is the one that introduced insurance module for students. This module gives an understanding of different concepts of insurance, processes involved in risk management and its principles. The insurance market has its own significance and equally important in financial markets. There is a requirement of insurance professionals who has the skills and knowledge of diverse insurance concepts. Mock test for insurance module for an NCFM certification is as important as this module. A test conducted by NSE all over India in its centres. This insurance module mock test covers all the insurance topics of the course and presents a series of questions related to insurance concepts and fundamentals. This mock test is helpful for appearing in NCFM certification exam. A mock test that aims in preparing for NISM certification is a combination of questions and answers of insurance module that match with the NSE standards and guidelines followed for attending an NCFM exam. Commerce students and those who has an interest in insurance market can go for this course and take the mock test clearing the complex insurance concepts. Working professionals of the financial sector and big reputed insurance companies and stock broking firms can take the benefit of online mock test facility at affordable prices.
An Insurance module mock test consists of 60 questions with duration of 120 minutes. As per the guidelines of NSE, maximum marks are 100 with negative marking of incorrect answers and 60% passing marks. A Question Bank of insurance module has been set up by the financial experts and qualified faculties with a vision to make students understand the importance of mock test for further preparation of NISM certification exam. The mock test for NCFM certification helps in the revision of the syllabus and focus on the weak areas of the topics of insurance module.
What you will get?
Book: NO
Mock test: Yes (online mock test with approx 500 question answers)
Certification: For preparation for NSE NCFM exam
NCFM Assesment Structure:
Duration: 120 minutes
No. of questions: 60
Total Marks: 100
Marks per question: 1
Passing score: 60%
Negative Marking: Yes (25%)
Certificate validity: 5 years
Offer Price:- 199 Rs
Duration:- 3 Month
After completing the course along with the excellent marks in the mock test can build the confidence of a candidate to accept the challenging exam of NCFM certification and get certified to upgrade the qualification and rise for a successful career. Online model paper help in managing the time for completing the test and get the time to rethink for the answer for any question and change it accordingly.