A question bank or model test papers are always helpful to get an impression of the final exam. On solving these papers, one can understand the type of questions and how to attend them with the matching standards. This approach is important to get good marks and use such papers for practice and revision purposes. This modern approach has been developed by Online NIFM for its students, which offers financial courses on different modules of the equity market, commodity market and other financial markets. The question bank of NCFM certification is an effort of this certified institute to prepare the students for an NCFM certification test.
The guidelines are strictly followed by the faculties and subject experts before preparing an NSE question bank of Options Strategy to make students clear the type of questions that can come in the certification exam and answers are also written with the same pattern for an NISM certification test. The team behind preparing for SEBI test papers has collective years of experience in financial markets and have succeeded in preparing NSE test papers which not help the students to pass the final certification exam but provides a good knowledge of the subject. These NSE question papers of options designed as per the NSE format to make students clear and understand the value of such test papers during their course study. The NCFM question papers are prepared with a critical mechanism and with a high probability of being asked in the final certification exam.
What you will get?
Book: NO
Mock test: Yes (online mock test with approx 500 question answers)
Certification: For preparation for NSE NCFM exam
NCFM Assesment Structure:
Duration: 120 minutes
No. of questions: 60
Total Marks: 100
Marks per question: 1-2
Passing score: 60%
Negative Marking: Yes (25%)
Certificate validity: 5 years
Offer Price:- 199 Rs
Duration:- 3 Month
These are the NSE question papers are prepared and based on the terms and guidelines of NISM and NSE for targeting the good as well as average students to perform better and make use of these NCFM question papers to solve them with a careful attitude and a thoughtful access. The test papers are updated time to time with the latest changes and following the instructions of NSE for the students to do well on the final exam. A nominal amount has been charged for the test papers and for attending online mock tests. It ensures that each of the students would apply his skills and knowledge in solving the test papers thereby passing in the main exam successfully. The primary motive of such question banks is to prepare the students for every typical question that can be asked in the certification exam. Those who pass the exam would be eligible for an NCFM certification and will be hired by the financial organizations.