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Merchant Banking NISM Series IX Certification

Get Certified for becoming an Authorized Merchant Banker

The field of Merchant Banking is exciting yet unpredictable. Success in this field depends upon a unique set of skills in developing financial plans, analyzing the crucial financial statistics, proposing strategies for clients and negotiating deals etc. One has to be on the go with enthusiastic approach beyond a 10 to 5 job.

About SEBI:

The Securities and the Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the national regulatory body for the securities market. Its primary role is to protect the interest of the capital market investors and promote market development. In short, SEBI is the stock market regulator.

For Investment Banking industry, one needs to know about the functioning of equity markets and stocks.SEBI learns from past fraud cases which occurred with naive investors. Therefore, now a days SEBI merchant banking courselike NISM Series IX: Merchant Banking Certification Examination has been made mandatory by SEBI.

About NISM:

National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) performs two functions under the SEBI. One, they offer mandatory Certification Examinations for people associated with the securities market intermediaries. And, two, they offer Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs for them.

About Merchant Banking:

Merchant Banking provides a wide range of services for starting until running a business. With the combination of Banking and Consulting, it acts as a Financial Engineer for any business. It covers financial, managerial, marketing and legal aspects of a business. It also has relevance in company registration, buying and selling of shares at National Stock Exchange (NSE).

MerchantBanking Certificate Course:

Merchant Banking Certificate Course focuses on professionals entering banking and finance sector (BFSI). The key outcomes of this course should be:

-      Understanding various asset classes available for constructing a good portfolio.

-      Know about the various ratios which can be used for analyzing the risk return relationship in the portfolio.

It is also possible to study via merchant banking online certificate course.Online NIFM could be a good consideration to take up these courses. To have further value addition, you may find suchonline course merchant banking in English as well as Hindi languages.

Online Merchant Banking Courseis specially for starting a flourishing career as a Merchant Banker or Financial Consultant. The course covers the basics of merchant banking in India, the role of SEBI as regulatory body, the regulator environment set up by SEBI for governing various activities of merchant bankers in India. This understanding of the rules, regulations and legal framework is vital to enter the investment sector since all activities of merchant banking revolve around these fundamentals.

An Online Course Merchant Bankingwill make you eligible for SEBI NISM Series IX certification examination. Don’t just keep thinking. Register online with NIFM Institute and kick start your bright career in Investment Banking.

What you will get?

Pre-recorded chapter vise videos - Yes (approx 4 hours)

Language:  HINDI

Book:  Yes (Ebooks in pdf format in English)

Mock test:  Yes (online mock test with approx 500 question answers) 

Certification: Dual certification (Certification from NIFM and preparation for SEBI NISM exam)


SEBI NISM Exam Assesment Structure:

Duration: 120 minutes

No. of questions: 100

Total Marks: 100

Marks per question: 1

Passing score: 60%

Negative Marking: Yes (25%)

Certificate validity: 3 years


Faculty: Mrs. Shrutee Sharma

MRP:- 6500 Rs

Offer Price:- 4500 Rs

Duration:- 6 Month

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About Course

Merchant Banking Online Certification Course is beneficial for those wants to enter in financial market and banking sector. Students and professionals can appear for this course to get job in banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, mutual fund houses and broking houses. This course will help to get two certifications one from NIFM and another from SEBI.


  • Introduction To The Capital Market

  • Introduction to the merchant banking

  • Registration , code of conduct & general obligations of merchant bankers

  • Issue management – Process and Underwriting

  • General obligations of merchant bankers and due diligence in issue management

  • Other merchant banking activities such as Mergers, Acquisitions& Takeovers

  • Merchant banking role in disinvestment & buyback of equity