Before investing in shares, it is very important to understand the fundamentals of a company. Share trading can be a bit confusing if an individual does not possess the knowledge and techniques need to be applied for trading and investing. Determining the stock for trading by analysis of security is fundamental analysis. In this module, one can learn the valuation of stock before investing which is necessary for a successful trading and investment. This course aims at providing an exhaustive study of methods and techniques used for fundamental analysis. Online NIFM provides a detailed study and offers a mock test for fundamental analysis for NCFM certification. This is an institution that makes a student well educated and qualified in stock market courses and prepares him for NCFM certification test. This is a test for preparation of NCFM certification that develop the skills to face the challenging questions and answer them wisely. Those who have gained a basic knowledge of fundamental analysis can give a mock test and check their ability to clear an NCFM certification test. This test is equally important and conducted by NSE at all the centres in India. The Method involved in the valuation of stocks and shares can be learned and accomplished by the test for preparation of NISM certification. Those want to make a career in the financial sector and stock broking houses and want to be certified should take the mock test facility and prepare for NISM certification exam.
A fundamental analysis mock test consists of 120 questions with 60 questions with 60% passing marks and negative marking for incorrect answers. This facility can be availed at reasonable prices. Anyone who is having an interest in fundamental analysis and want to be prepared for NCFM and NIFM online certification exams should go through the mock test once and understand the template and marking system of an NCFM certification exam. For a successful career and a deserving reputation in the company, this course along with mock test can help in mastering the subject and overcome the problems with satisfactory solutions.
What you will get?
Book: NO
Mock test: Yes (online mock test with approx 500 question answers)
Certification: For preparation for NSE NCFM exam
NCFM Assesment Structure:
Duration: 120 minutes
No. of questions: 60
Total Marks: 100
Marks per question: 1
Passing score: 60%
Negative Marking: Yes (25%)
Certificate validity: 5 years
Offer Price:- 199 Rs
Duration:- 3 Month
A trustworthy education institution can shape up the career of a student in a better direction. Mock tests are conducted with a view to excelling in an NCFM certification online exam and get certified for an honourable career. Before a mock test, a student should carry out an in-depth study of this module and make himself ready to appear for a mock test.