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How to invest or trade in Indian share market companies

How we can invest in Indian share market. First we how to open demat account with depository and trading account with broker through any broking company and link bank account with demat account.
Category: Equity Market
Posted by : NIFM and Written by: Ruchi Chauhan
22 May, 2019, 12:06 PM

Direct Payout to Investors

NSCCL has introduced the facility of direct payout (i.e. direct delivery of securities) to clients’ account on both the depositories. IT ascertains from each clearing member, the beneficiary account details of their respective clients who are due to receive pay out of securities. Based on the information received from members, the clearing corporation sends payout instructions to the depositories, so that the client receives the payout to the extent of instructions received from the respective
Category: Equity Market
Posted by : NIFM
19 October, 2013, 4:53 PM

Market Types in Equity Segment

The Capital Market system has four types of market: 1. Normal Market : Normal market consists of various book types in which orders are segregated as Regular Lot Orders, Special Term Orders, and Stop Loss Orders depending on the order attributes. 2. Auction Market : In the auction market, auctions are initiated by the exchange on behalf of trading members for settlement related reasons. The main reasons are shortages, bad deliveries and objections. There are three types of participants in the
Category: Equity Market
Posted by : NIFM
17 October, 2013, 12:31 PM

Arbitrage Funds and it's Benefits

Price movement (upward and downward) of share market is the process of the market. But how do you feel if you can make profit in price movement? Arbitrage funds takes the benefits in price differences in two different stock exchanges, these funds works only on single principle i.e. to sell the securities in different markets so that can make maximum profit and lower the risk.
Category: Equity Market
Posted by : NIFM
14 August, 2013, 4:58 PM

How to Read the Stock Market?

Want to find how to get signals in Future and Options market, want to know the trend in which the stock market and the individual stocks are likely to move in the short period.
Category: Equity Market
Posted by : Online NIFM
16 May, 2013, 10:53 AM