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Intraday Trading

Posted by : NIFM
24 August, 2013, 4:31 PM
Day trading means buy/selling of shares and off setting the positions on same day. Day trading serves the purpose of bringing the liquidity to market and they help the market movement, more then 80% of the volume of stock market comes from day trading after introduction of derivative market and advanced trading techniques had made the day trading  to grow the market more. The investment scenario in India is now at par with Global market. The introduction of derivative, currency, commodity market now helped Indian investor to invest in anything like shares, commodity (including agri products) currency, bonds and complex things like interest rates, future, derivative, Index and more. Day trading is now very much popular among investors and traders in India as new generation is well educated and ready to take risks in volatile market with their knowledge and skills. Day traders can easily manage their investments and come up with new strategies for trading on next day


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